Breaking the silence

Breaking the silence

We’ve been pretty elusive lately, haven’t we? Well, today we’re ready to crack the door open a little. Some of you might remember Blink, our entry for Global Game Jam back in January 2011. It even landed a front page feature on the Global Game Jam website back in April.

Today I am happy to announce that Blink is coming back in a big way! We’ve been working very hard on a demo that we’ll be submitting to the 2012 Independent Games Festival. Sadly, we can’t really afford to work on Blink full-time after the demo is finished and submitted. For that we’re turning to Kickstarter, the world’s most popular crowd funding website. Not familiar with Kickstarter or crowd funding in general? Visit their website to learn more.

We;re really humbled that Kickstarter approved our proposal, and we've prepared a list of awesome rewards that we think people will love. The campaign will go live next week.

There is a lot in store for Blink. Today we cracked the door open just a smidgen. All will be revealed next week when the door swings wide open.